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Common Pressure Washer Faults and How to Fix Them

Common Pressure Washer Faults and How to Fix Them

A pressure washer is a versatile tool that can help you clean all sorts of surfaces around your house, from the driveway to the deck to the exterior walls. That being said, it’s important to be aware of common issues that may arise with a pressure washer, so you can troubleshoot any problems and get your machine back up and running as quickly as possible.

Common Pressure Washer Faults and How to Troubleshoot Them
Common Pressure Washer Faults and How to Troubleshoot Them

Here are a few suggestions:

1. Low or no water pressure: If you notice that your pressure washer isn’t producing enough water pressure, the first step is to check your water supply. Make sure that you’re using clean, fresh water and that your hose has no leaks or kinks in it. If these steps don’t resolve your issue, try calling a professional technician who can assess the problem and provide more specific repair tips.

2. Pump failure: Another common issue that may arise with pressure washers is a damaged or faulty pump. If your pressure washer seems to be working fine but you’re noticing that the water isn’t coming out at full power, this could be a result of a damaged pump. In this case, you’ll want to call a professional technician who can assess your pump and help you decide whether the best course of action is to replace it or repair it.

3. Other faulty parts: In addition to your pump, other common pressure washer parts may fail over time or as a result of wear and tear. Some examples include hoses, nozzles, and valves. If you notice any of these parts malfunctioning, try replacing them with new parts to see if this resolves the issue.

As you can see, several common issues may arise with your pressure washer and cause it to stop working properly. By troubleshooting these problems yourself and taking the necessary steps to get your pressure washer back up and running again, you can make sure that you’re able to get your cleaning jobs done quickly and effectively.​